Monday, March 16, 2009

After The Double Massacre

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American Idol 8: Ranking The Top 11 – After The Double Massacre
by Sting7 -- 03/16/2009
The American Idol game has definitely changed. This week, we learned about the new rule – the judges’ save! The time is now to show you are save-worthy! Some Idols have proven to be indispensable. Others, not so much. Into which group does Kris (right) fall? Who is heading for the finale, and who is late for the door? Sting7 ranks the remaining 11 contestants.

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Two down, ten to go before we get to the winner of American Idol 2009! They all want to win, but who is putting in the hard yards to do it? Just a reminder, these rankings are not just based on singing skill. It's that and all the intangibles. It's who has captured the public’s imagination. Who are they talking about around the water coolers and in the break rooms? Who's gaining, sustaining, and losing momentum? Who is looking the most Idolesque? Put all of those things together, and you get the rankings.

Here's how it all comes together. (The contestants' position last week are show in parentheses.)

1. (1) Danny Gokey – He is still The Guy. Interesting that he was the only performer who chose to punch his arrangement during Michael Jackson week. What it says is that Danny knows what he's doing! Maybe that music director experience? But no matter what you do to an arrangement, you have to deliver it. Danny just does. Time after time. His “P.Y.T.” wasn't pitch perfect, but it was absolutely joyous. He seemed to be lost in the music and he took us with him.

from: foxesonidol